Thursday, 25 August 2011

Reflection on 2nd Class - 23 August 2011

Tuesday's lesson was an eye-opener. I realized that there are few ways to solving problems in Mathematics. It is not only about the answer but also the process of getting the solution. Children should be able to be given the opportunity to understand the mathematical process by using Jerome Bruner's CPA Approach by allowing them to learn and experience from concrete, to pictorial and then abstract. The approach allows children to manipulate with concrete materials as they will be able to learn through trial and error. Next they should be given the opportunities to move to pictorial and then proceed to abstract. I feel that the approach will allow children to learn at their own pace and learn from their mistakes.

The dice game is one interesting game that I had shared with my colleagues. I was intrigued that the Primary One children was able to come out with different ideas for the solutions and they did not give up. As I watched the video, I was thinking about what can I do with the children in my classroom to provide them with opportunities to come out with different ideas to mathematical problems. I feel that children should be given opportunities to explore instead of waiting for the solution and answer to any problem as they will learn through their mistakes. the teacher's role is to facilitate their learning by asking the correct questions that will help them to think further.

I am more motivated to try out new and challenging activities with the children in my classroom!
See u soon!

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