Thursday, 25 August 2011

Reflection on 3rd Class Session - 24 August 2011

The class was introduced to 'Lesson Study'. I have heard about it before, but I was not sure what it is really about. Now, I am more aware about it. 'Lesson Study' is actually about making improvement to lesson so that teachers can deliver the lesson to their best and children can learn to the fullest. 'Lesson Study' is a group effort to identify the strengths and weaknesses of a lesson. It provides teachers with opportunities to make changes to their teaching strategies and improve their questioning technique in their lesson. Teachers can examine their lesson systematically with the help of other teachers.

The class ended with a homework using Tangrams to create triangles and squares using different number of Tangrams pieces. It was a good experience as I had the opportunity to manipulate with the Tangrams pieces in trying to get them to the required shapes that is triangle and square. 

Looking forward to the next class!

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